The AD Agency Awards

NAIOP Award of Excellence: Washington Convention Center Authority

Best Marketing Program


American Advertising Award: Washington Convention Center Authority

Trade Advertisement


American Advertising Award:
The Ad Agency

Self Promotion/Direct Mail


American Advertising Award:
The Ad Agency

Self Promotion


American Advertising Awards: Storetrax

Direct Marketing, Business to Business Campaign Flat


American Advertising Awards:
U.S. Department of Transportation

World Wide Web/On-Line Advertising


American Advertising Awards:
U.S. Department of Transportation

Public Service Interactive


Telly Award:
Montgomery County, Maryland

“Anyone Can Compost”


American Advertising Awards:

Montgomery County, Maryland

1. Industry/Self Promotion/Logo/Trademark Design
2. Public service/Television
3. Newspaper/More Than Half-Page –4 color or More
4. Print Material/Poster, 4 color or More
5. Print Material/Poster, campaign
6. Advertising Arts/Campaign (Composting)
7. Advertising Arts/Campaign (Grasscycling)
8. Advertising Arts/Illustration– Flat/Dimensional (Composting)
9. Advertising Arts/Illustration– Flat/Dimensional (Grasscycling)


National Recycling Coalition:

Montgomery County, Maryland

Outstanding Community Program


National Resources Defense Council ECO Awards:
Montgomery County, Maryland

1. Corporate Identity/Logo

2. Oversized Graphics/Interior

3. Oversized Graphics/Exterior

4. Posters/Educational

5. Newspaper Advertising/Full Page or Less

6. Public Service/Non-Profit–Television

7. Public Service/Non-Profit– Television Advertising

8. Television/Local Advertising


Association of Municipal Recycling Coordinators:
Montgomery County, Maryland

National Promotion and Education Award