von Graffenried Family 750 Year Anniversary Jubilee

Worb Castle, Switzerland

von Graffenried Family 750 Year Anniversary Jubilee

So excited to have attended the von Graffenried Family 750 Year Anniversary Jubilee Celebration on September 4, 2022 in Bern, Switzerland! Our Swiss cousins were so kind — inviting us into their castles, homes and educating us on our amazing family history. (My Mother, Ramona Kennaday deGraffenried was a descendant of Baron Christopher von Graffenried)

To view these and see more photos and videos CLICK HERE

(Especially the Les deGraffenried speech at the Jubilee)


View From Our Hotel Bellevue Palace roomView From Our Hotel Bellevue Palace room



Schloss Burgistein Castle

Schloss Burgistein Castle



Schloss Burgistein Castle

Schloss Burgistein Castle


Neuschloss Worb Castle

Neuschloss Worb Castle


Neuschloss Worb Castle

Neuschloss Worb Castle


Debi Gasper and Christophe von Graffenried

Debi Gasper and Christophe von Graffenried


Worb Church

Worb Church


Christine von Graffenried and Aloys von Graffenried at Baron Chrisopher von Graffenried Grave


Aloys von Graffenried and Les deGraffenried

Christine von GrafAloys von Graffenried and Les deGraffenried


Bern Switzerland Bell Tower with Jim deGraffenried and family


Alec von Graffenried, Mayor Bern, Switzerland welcomes The Americans at Erlacherhof, seat of the City Government

Alec von Graffenried, Mayor Bern, Switzerland welcomes The Americans at Erlacherhof, seat of the City Government video


Alec von Graffenried, Mayor Bern, Switzerland welcomes The Americans at Erlacherhof, seat of the City Government

Alec von Graffenried, Mayor Bern, Switzerland welcomes The Americans at Erlacherhof, seat of the City Government


Worb Castle

Worb Castle


deGraffenried Family Crest Lapel Pin

deGraffenried Family Crest Lapel Pin


Debi Gasper, Suzanne Flynn deGraffenried, and Pamela Boland



Les deGraffenried speech at von Graffenried Jubilee

Les deGraffenried speech at von Graffenried Jubilee video



Nick deGraffenried and Andrew deGraffenried video as they depart the jubilee


Bern Bears in Bern Switzerland video


Neuschloss Worb Castle Owners, Bern, Switzerland

Schloss Burgistein von Graffenried castle

 Visit this link to read about Debi Gasper, CEO/Creative Director/Founder/Owner of The AD Agency.

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